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Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is a loving, compelling and powerful book that introduces a tangible spiritual breakthrough for the 21st century — spontaneous Self Realization through Sahaja Yoga meditation — which opens a new dimension in human awareness.
Written by Nobel Peace Prize nominee and one of the greatest voices on spirituality, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the book offers stunningly deep insights on the crises of our modern times and the solutions to their root problems.

From the preface to Meta Modern Era:

"Actually I did not want to write a book of this kind. I am a person who is in complete joy of Divinity. There is the all-pervading joy of Divine love and I wanted everyone to enjoy it. Specially in the West I have seen that there are many seekers of absolute Truth. There are many scientists who have written voluminous books about consciousness, about awareness. One can give a list of them. But all these books really weary you completely, because they do not emit any knowledge of the ultimate truth. I don't want to criticize them; after all whatever they are doing constitutes honest research. But why not also give a chance to this new discovery which is being made? Why not humble down to see what is beyond this mind which gives you all this artificial intelligence?

It is extremely difficult for me to write about the problems of Western life. It is like an enormous tree which has grown outside. How to be pushed down now to the roots and made to grow inside. It is only by going deep inside that we can find out what the problems of Western civilization are which have kept a Western mind away from truth.

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The most difficult part is to convince a human being that in the entire creation [...] he is capable of becoming a glorious personality, a beautiful,peaceful angel." -- Meta Modern Era, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

"Meta Modern Era" is a unique book about spirituality and the modern times written by H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, recognized worldwide as one of the greatest spiritual teachers of our times. Learn about Self Realization, which is now possible effortlessly and en-masse through Sahaja Yoga, in this unique book which sets the premises for the paradigm shift of the 21st century: a tangible breakthrough in human awareness.

The book contains the following chapters:

1. Modernism and Rationality

A profound perspective on the causes of the problems of modern times, predicted and described as the "dark age" (Kali Yuga). A vivid and critical look at our times where technological development lacking the knowledge of the roots of our Being has lead to a deep and desperate quest for the absolute truth in our hearts and minds. The limits of mere rationality can lead to disastrous conclusions and theories which are justified by the ego instead of being enlightened by the Spirit. Their effects can be seen in arts, social trends, and in all the manifestations of our society.

2. Choices

The root of consumerism can be found in the traps of choices and fashions set by entrepreneurs for the modern minds. This chapter exposes the subtle causes of materialism and its implications on family life, and how a realized soul (person who has achieved Self Realization) can go beyond them.

3. Democracy

Communism is dead. Nazism is no more. Why have the modern democracies become 'demonocracies'? Money orientation versus power orientation. Where can the question "what's wrong?" lead. Real freedom is not abandonment to one's habits and instincts, but the freedom to enjoy one's Spirit which becomes a reality after Self Realization.

4. Racialism

A fresh look at this widespread conditioning of our society, and how it can be replaced by a culture of true integration, coming from the heart, in the light of one's Spirit.

5. The Culture in the West

"Culture shows the social heights in serenity, wisdom and morality". Culture directs social trends. The culture of vulgarity justified by sheer rationality is contrasted with the subtle culture of innocence which expresses the beauty and purity of the Spirit.

6. Religions

All religions were started in a pure form by great prophets and incarnations, but due to the people "in charge", deviated over time from the absolute Truth into ritualism and fundamentalism. Their common essence and integration can be found - not mentally, but by experiencing the connection with one's Spirit (Self Realization) which is beyond the mind. "The prayer said without connection (Yoga) with God is like a telephone without connection".

The true religion is within. It can be awakened and manifested in our lives through the process of Self Realization. "With Sahaja Yoga, the innate universal religion of Divine Love is enlightened within and the seeker becomes spontaneously truly religious, righteous, moral, peaceful, compassionate and a powerful, enlightened personality."

7. Peace

A humorous look at human ego and its stunning manifestations in our modern times, and how on the subtle side it ends up destroying our peace within. Peace cannot be achieved through lectures or political changes, but has to be established in the individual, and Sahaja Yoga makes this possible through Kundalini awakening. "The human mind is always bombarded with thoughts. It builds the ego and reacts with it. [...] These thoughts come from the past or from the future, but reality is in the present where we achieve peace." Self Realization leads to collective consciousness which is not a concept, but a higher state of awareness in which one becomes part of the whole and acts spontaneously to help others.

8. World Peace

All wars have caused a reversal of our value system, which is reflected in our family life. "It is not an investment in armaments which will secure a truly peaceful future. It is the investment in our children which will yield invaluable dividends in the shape of a peaceful and moral society in the near future."

A sweet but profound look at raising our children in a loving, disciplined and spiritual way, developing all the beautiful qualities which are built-in within them. How to avoid their exposure to cultural agressions that play on their curiosity and attack their innocence. How to build a culture of universal spirituality for our children, preventing them from falling into the terrible problems caused by religious fundamentalism.

9. Evolution

A breathtaking view of the evolution of life that lead in an accelerated spiral to the human stage, paralelled by the evolution of awareness. Seeking the truth is part of this living process, and Self Realization is the next step in human evolution. The opening of the Sahasrara (seventh center) at the cosmic level in 1970 and the birth of Sahaja Yoga.

10. Message of Meta Science

Limits of science and the message of Sahaja Yoga which is the meta science of our modern times, bridging the gap between science and spirituality. A scientific exposition of the evolution of matter and awareness to the human level and beyond.

11. The Subtle System

A description of the three channels of energy and seven chakras and the role they play in our being and life, as well as the transformation that takes place through the awakening of the Kundalini.


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Σημαντικές πληροφορίες

Γιόγκα σημαίνει:

Η πραγματική έννοια της Γιόγκα είναι η ένωση του πνεύματός μας με τη θεϊκή δύναμη.
  Δεν είναι μόνο η άσκηση

Δωρεάν μαθήματα:

  Τα μαθήματα είναι δωρεάν καθώς , όπως αναφέρει η Σρι Μάτατζι, η ιδρύτρια της Σαχάτζα Γιόγκα:

"Η πνευματικότητα δεν είναι κάτι που μπορεί να αγοραστεί ή να εμπορευτεί, είναι κάτι που υπάρχει μέσα σε κάθε άνθρωπο και είναι δικαίωμά του να την κατακτήσει".

Ο διαλογισμός:

Ο διαλογισμός  Sahaja είναι μοναδικός. Δεν είναι άσκηση. Είναι εύκολο να μάθει και λειτουργεί γρήγορα. 5-10 λεπτά την ημέρα διαλογισμού Sahaja Yoga φέρνει αποτελέσματα.